Ellsworth Kelly Red/Blue Screenprint: 2 Examples
Ellsworth Kelly Screenprint: 2 Examples |
Buyers often make the wrong decision when comparing fine art prices from different sellers, especially when the higher priced work of art reflects differences in condition. Artwork in superior condition is always more valuable than art that is torn, repaired, faded, erased, reduced in size, or worse, counterfeit.
A High Priced Auction Is Not Always The Best
The Side-by-side comparison of 2 examples of the same Ellsworth Kelly Red/Blue Screenprint; each impression was originally included in the Ten Works x Ten Painters Portfolio, published by the Wadsworth Atheneum. On the left, an impression Sotheby's NY sold for $64,000 in 2007; described as being in "good" condition.
On the right, a pristine impression of the Ellsworth Kelly Red/Blue screenprint available from Joseph K. Levene Fine Art, Ltd., for less than $10,000, which is not only less expensive, but considerably more vivid and brighter as the impression has been archival stored since it was originally published.
Many Buyers "Save Money" but Often Buy Compromised Art
Sometimes Buyers are mistakenly told a work of art is "mint" or "pristine" or "not faded" when the contrary is true, resulting in the purchase of an inferior work. The truth is there is no savings as the work is just not worth buying at all and the seller description was purposely deceptive to encourage purchase.
Quality Art Appreciates Faster
Many sellers do not disclose condition, forcing buyers to guess. Importantly, when the condition of a work of art is omitted, never assume the artwork is satisfactory; protect yourself and ask. But, and there is a big "but" here, never assume that the answer you get is accurate, as many sellers often over-promise.
- Some sellers, auction houses, galleries and online auctions will claim a work of art offered for sale is problem free, even when the lot photographs show otherwise.
- Many internet art sellers, galleries and auction house personnel do not properly evaluate the condition of art they are offering.
- Many sellers are not knowledgeable, including art galleries, auction houses, online auctions, etc.
- Other sellers of art are purposely deceptive because they realize the truth will kill the potential sale.
- Some art sellers are purposely misleading so as to take advantage of the unsuspecting art buyer.
Request An Objective Condition Evaluation
Many art sellers prefer not including an objective/accurate condition statement since that information will only discourage the buyer. Other art sellers do not document the condition issue on their invoice, because it may provide future liability evidence. Lately we are noticing a pattern of meaningless "condition" statements from online auction sellers who routinely state "no damage to the lot", when the photographs clearly show otherwise.
Auction Houses Are Often Inaccurate About Condition
Never assume a famous auction house is a "guarantee of condition". Just because the art is sold by a "famous name" auction house, that does not mean the condition reported is accurate.
Condition Reports provided by auction houses are merely "opinions" that will not hold up after you have purchased the Lot. Most auction will caution prospective buyers they are not able to provide "condition evaluations". You must either inspect the lot yourself if you are knowledgeable, or hire an expert on your behalf.
Only Buy Art from Reputable Professional Fine Art Dealers
Condition Reports provided by auction houses are merely "opinions" that will not hold up after you have purchased the Lot. Most auction will caution prospective buyers they are not able to provide "condition evaluations". You must either inspect the lot yourself if you are knowledgeable, or hire an expert on your behalf.
Only Buy Art from Reputable Professional Fine Art Dealers
Working with a professional art dealer will pay off in the long-run. Many art dealers are not professional, and some have never seen the work of art they are purportedly selling, or have the connoisseurship to know if the work of art is compromised. However, never assume that all art dealers are professional either.
If You Need A Doctor, You Would Not Call The Plumber
There is a difference between an amateur and a professional fine art dealer, unless you like throwing money down the drain.
Condition Matters!
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